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Become A Medium In 6 Weeks

6-Week Online Psychic Mediumship Program 

With Josie

Best-selling program since 2015
 900+ successful graduates. Globally. 

You are about to discover the MOST PRACTICAL and COMPREHENSIVE Online Program Available.


It's NOT an ordinary psychic development class.


It’s a practical system. 


This program will teach you how to activate your innate psychic abilities in a strategic and CORRECT manner. 


In 6 weeks you will be able to communicate with the spirit world and channel messages while being fully protected and guided.


Plus, you will learn how to heal your body, raise your energy, and open higher intuitive senses, as well as meet your Angels and Guides. You will channel Departed Loved Ones without fear.


What makes this program different?


Hundreds of mediumship programs are available online. Very few are based on science and offer real results. 


My Psychic Mediumship Program doesn't teach psychic tricks, manipulation, mind games, and other nonsense. 

Psychic skills can't be developed without a practical base.


You can absolutely become an authentic and highly skilled medium but you need the right tools to work with your own intuitive system. When it comes to teaching psychic mediumship, I know what works and what doesn't. 


I teach my method of Creative Channeling, based on 15 years of research, as well as extensive mediumship practice.


You will receive all necessary tools to master your intuitive abilities and to communicate with spirits, angels, departed loved ones, and beings from non-physical dimensions. This program is suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners. 


Who it's NOT for:


Individuals who want fast results with minimal effort.


Mediumship is an ART that takes 3 Ps to develop: Patience, Perseverance, and Practice. Some people need more practice than others. Some people need more time to release their limiting beliefs and habits. You can’t become a medium without the 3 Ps.

How does it work?


Start this program at anytime. 


The program has THREE components:


💻30 strategically-structured lessons (5 weekly classes). You can watch the video lessons at your own pace. Time investment: 60 minutes weekly.


🔮 Daily Intuitive Practice: 10 minutes. Meditative practice: 20 minutes. Time investment: 30 minutes per day.


🗝Recordings of  Q&A sessions with me in Weeks 2, 4, and 6  (6 hrs of extra guidance and support)


Please note that lessons are strategically designed, step by step, to remove energy blocks, increase your psychic awareness, and open your higher intuitive senses. It's an amazing journey that’s worth taking!


Complete Program Description 



✅ Become a Medium for the Right Reason

Meditations: Psychic Attunement and Grounding


📋Week One: Opening to experience

✅ Fundamentals of Psychic Energy. 

What you will learn: Psychic consciousness. Energy and universal laws. Extrasensory perception. Principles of intuition. PM (present moment) state of vibration. Psychic protection.

📝5 Weekly Video Lessons  (60 minutes)

Introduction to practices (video) 

📩7 Intuigraphic Exercises

🙏Morning Integration Meditation

🔮Evening Clearing Meditation


📋Week Two: Going Deep 

✅ Energy Body, Soul, Spirit, and Higher Consciousness

What you will learn: All about Auras. Chakra system. Telepathy and empathy. Primary and secondary psychic senses. Raising and lowering personal energy.

📝5 Weekly Video Lessons  (60 minutes)

7 Intuigraphic Exercises

🙏Chakra Clearing Meditation

Energy Healing

🔮Integration Practice


📋Week Three: Opening Psychic Vision

✅What you will learn: Precognition. Remote viewing. Psychometry. Psychic tools. Initiating higher intuitive senses.

📝5 Weekly Video Lessons  (60 minutes)

📩7 Intuigraphic Exercises

🔮Activate Clairvoyance Practice

🙏Evening Accessing Deep Consciousness Meditation


📋Week Four: Non-Physical Domains or Reality

✅ What you will learn: Elemental world. Spirit guides. Angels, archangels, ascended masters, soul groups, and circles. Healers and teachers. Karma. Reincarnation. Soul contracts. Free will and destiny.

📝5 Weekly Video Lessons  (60 minutes)

📩7 Intuigraphic Exercises

🙏Meet Your Spirit Guide Meditation

🙏Meet Your Soul Circle Meditation


📋Week Five: Introduction to Mediumship

✅ What you will learn: Rules and responsibilities of spirit communication. Principles of channeling. Creating a link of connection. Opening Higher Channels Meditation. Creating a Circle of Connection Meditation.

📝📝5 Weekly Video Lessons  (60 minutes)

📩7 Intuigraphic Exercises

🙏Meet Your Spirit Guide Meditation

🙏Meet Your Soul Circle Meditation


Week Six: Final integration

✅ What you will learn: Channeling for other people. Energies of the departed loved ones. Spirit identification. "Good” spirits vs "bad" ones. Developing mediumship abilities for life.

📝5 Weekly Video Lessons  (60 minutes)

📩7 Intuigraphic Exercises

🙏Soul Purpose Meditation

🙏Final Healing and Clearing Meditation

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take for me to see results?


Every individual is different. The first two weeks of the program are all about releasing old energy and blocks to channeling. We will be removing psychic weight that stands in the way of your natural energy flow and intuitive abilities. For some people, this process may take longer than for others. If you need healing, we will direct a lot of energy toward first restoring your balance and health. Then we can begin psychic attunements and mediumship practices. On average, 6 weeks is optimal for seeing measurable results and channeling abilities.


What if the program is not working for me?


You have 2 weeks (14 days) to decide whether the program is working for you, with a 100% money-back guarantee. No questions asked! My purpose is to help you achieve serious results that require a personal investment of time and energy. Try this program and decide for yourself. No refunds will be issued after 14 days in the program. 


English is not my first language. Can I still take the program?


The program is recorded in the English language, including all learning materials and meditations. All videos have closed captions for you to follow with ease.


Can I skip practices if I don’t feel I need them? 


No. They must be done daily, in a strategic way. Even if you are an experienced intuitive, you will greatly benefit from positioning yourself as a student and starting from the basics. So much information is available about psychic development, techniques, tools, and practices. I collaborate with the Spirit Teachers and they help me create a one-of-a-kind learning experience for every student in the program. The practical part of the program takes about 30 minutes daily. If you don’t have an extra 30 minutes per day, I’d discourage you from starting this program. You will simply not achieve the results you desire. 


Included In Your Learning Package: 
30 Video Classes
Three 2-hr Q&As With Josie
35 Daily Practices
Instructional Guide
12 Meditations strategically designed to attune your intuitive abilities. 
PLUS Additional Bonus Materials:
"How To Read Tarot and Oracle Cards" Online Course ($33 Value)
10 Bonus Meditations for enhancing your psychic experiences. 

What My Students Say About The Program:

Your program opened spiritual doors for me. I've been meditating for 30 years but had never known how to open the third eye or communicate directly with Guides. It was such "practical, specific direction - taking us through basic instruction right up to channeling. Thank you, Josie, for teaching what were, at one time, secret meditative and spiritual techniques. This is such a comprehensive course, I'll use this knowledge for the rest of my life...and I think I may have seen my first aura." Karen, ON


“Josie, your psychic development program is perfect for the beginner students and those who want to expand their psychic awareness in today’s world.  It is flexible and easy to follow. I’ve learned all about my intuitive senses! Now I will be practicing the techniques to connect with my spirit guides and higher consciousness.  Looking forward to mediumship class soon! “ Christine, CA


"Light and love! thank you for helping me to overcome fear and negative thoughts through your program. There is so much energy that we can’t see with our human eyes, but our spirit eyes can see the world beyond visible". Anne, VA


"Thank you for the very enlightening class.  I learned so much from you and intend to read your suggested readings.  My heart is feeling confident to bring more openness to all my relationships - to really feel the emotions - and to listen to what others are saying and feeling with more sensitivity.  Thank you for speaking from your heart.  I have been very shy over the years and wish to confidently speak from my truth". KT, Utah


"Loved the course, Josie, especially weekly meditations, and journaling. I do these exercises daily to connect with my Spirit Guides.  Thank you!"  Camila, Spain.


"My experience with Josie was most positive. She is a unique and genuine teacher. I am still working on program materials, but I can already see a huge progress. I am more “centered, and grounded”. Opening the third eye center was a bit of a challenge for me. Maybe because I was not prepared for such intense energy. Still, I trusted Josie on this path. Now I can connect with my spirit helpers and Angels. Thank you, my friend!" Lorrie, New York.


"I just finished this program last year. And I must say it opened me up faifh and very disconnected with life in general. Now I am finding my way to healing, and I pray and connect with a higher power every day. Josie' life energy is beautifully contagious and worth the whole program on its own! Thank you, my dear Josie for everything! Much love and success for you!"for possibilities I couldn't imagine before. I was a person without." Carla, US.


Hi Josie! It's fantastic for me this program. I feel very good...I feel like I know more about what life is...I understood more of what really consist life and I want to thank you very much for this incredible good organize and complete program! I feel that you dedicated a lot of time and soul :) to organize all the video lessons with a lot of explanations that is very important for a beginner like me in mediumship". Irina, Romania.


 I felt that "I became much calmer, more peaceful, more patient. I still get annoyed or angry but I control the emotion now, the emotion does not control me anymore and I find my way back to my inner tranquility and joy quickly. I told her that I have released a lot of weight, mentally, emotionally and physically. I eat much healthier, outwork regularly, dance, have a lot more energy. I told her that I have a strong connection to nature, mother earth, I care about and I greet and talk to every animal - including spiders which I feared extremely not too long ago. I see nature much more vibrant, it is like another layer of sheer beauty has been added. I told her that I feel connected to angels, my higher self, my spirit guides and source of all, much more. I told her about the vortex and how intensely energy, like I become the energy when I am in my vortex of light - it is a feeling that is inexplicable really. I told her I am much more present, in the moment, much more aware. I know I am on the right path and I will continue with daily practice".  Sandra, US.


"Hi Josie, Thanks very much for the exciting program, I did enjoy it and find new knowledge as well". Michaela,  Ireland.


"I really love this program and I have thoroughly enjoyed every part of it...It gives meaning to my life and I wanna thank you for playing a part in this magnificent journey". Sheena, US.


"Tears of joy rolling down my cheeks the moment I was reconnected to all of my Angels & Spirit guides! So overwhelming with love & light! I truly appreciate you and all the commitment you've given to me & this class! You are an Angel of love & light. Thank you for helping me reconnect to my source of happiness, thank you for sharing, thank you for being a constant, friendly, beautiful reminder to so many people out there for what truly matters!" Kate, US.

Learn at your own pace 

Access on mobile or desktop

Once completed, the program is yours for life


If you are ready to become a Psychic Medium, this program is the right choice for your learning path.

The success of my students speaks for itself. 


It's absolutely risk-free. Take the first two weeks of the program, and decide for yourself. You can cancel with a full refund for up to 14 days in the program. No questions asked!



(Price in USD)

Legal Disclaimer:  PLEASE NOTE:  I made every effort to create and represent the most up-to-date program on psychic mediumship, and its potential. Your personal success with this program depends on your commitment and ability to utilize the learning materials. You have up to two weeks to decide whether this program is working for you or not, and cancel it with a 100% money back guarantee. No refunds will be issued after 14 days in the program. EMAIL: for all inquiries.
Copyright by Josie Grouse:  2019.  All Rights Reserved
800 Steeles Ave West
Thornhill, On L4J 7L2
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